I have played the piano since I was 3 years old, being frustrated that I couldn’t play Jingle Bells like my older brother. I had gone through 10 teachers until finding the perfect one at in Audrey Innes. I attended George Watson’s College in Edinburgh where I performed solo at concerts, played principal clarinet in the symphony orchestra, and alto saxophone in jazz band. I played with the Edinburgh Youth Orchestra in it’s 50th year. I volunteer with the Scottish Schools’ Orchestra Trust, where we help kids up to the age of 15 learn new repertoire and orchestral skills. In the Edinburgh Festival of Music, Speech and Dance, I have won classes in 2011 and 2013. I enjoy playing Rachmaninov and Bach, and am currently tackling a suite by Nielsen, which I love. Outside of performing, I am an avid listener. I run a blog where I review new releases and write essays upon the mutable music industry of today. I collect records, and the first question I ask a person I’ve just met is what they listen to. Whenever I’m not at the piano, I will be listening to music. I do Philosophy and English at the University of St Andrews, so the rest of my time is devoted to reading and philosophical debate