Application Process

Go to Application Form 2024


Deadline: April 20th, 2024 for all applicants

All supporting materials must be sent to the Artistic Director, Ms Anne Shih at the Canadian address:

11310 162 A St.
Surrey, B.C.
Canada    V4N 4P6

1.1 Individual lessons

Supporting materials include:

  • A professional-quality recording not to exceed 20 minutes.
  • A short resume of accomplishments including musical education and conservatories attended.
  • Two most recent teachers with addresses and telephone numbers.
  • Degrees and diplomas.
  • Competitions.
  • A detailed repertoire list specifying repertoire studied and repertoire performed in public.
  • Two letters of recommendation.

One movement by J.S. Bach, any concerto movement and a shorter virtuoso piece. Maximum 20 minutes.

One movement from the baroque period, any etude and one movement of a classical sonata or a major romantic work. Maximum 20 minutes.

Composition students are required to submit separate recordings or scores of three different works of your own.

1.2 Chamber group lessons

Supporting materials include:

  • two works which you will have prepared before the festival.

We will choose one of the two works for performance.


Deadline: April 30th, 2024 for all applicants

Registration fee: 150 EUR (individual lessons or for each member of chamber groups)

Bank transfer fees are to be paid by the applicant. We can not accept shared charges.

Please note: The registration fee does NOT count towards the tuition fee. The fee covers the cost of the registration process.

Method of payment:

Bank transfer to the following account:

Bank Name & Address:
Country: ITALY
IBAN: IT70V0306909606100000010972
Account Owner: Amici del Casalmaggiore International Festival
Account Owner Address: P.zza Garibaldi 26, 26041 Casalmaggiore (CR), ITALY

Please specify the student’s name in the money order


There will be no financial aid offered. A number of scholarships will be awarded based upon the quality of talent, as exhibited on the application recordings.



Upon receipt of all application materials, notification of acceptance will be forwarded by May 14th 2024 and successful applicants will be invited to submit solo performance requests to the Artistic Director Ms. Anne Shih no later than May 28th  2024. Chamber music assignments will be made known at this time.



4.1 Individual lessons

Deadline: June 4th, 2024 for all applicants. Please note that payments made after June 4th will be subject to a late fee of 100 EUR.

WHOLE PERIOD: 1950 EUR (lessons from July 4th to July 24th)
recommended arrival at Casalmaggiore on July 3rd – departure from Casalmaggiore on July 25th

FIRST HALF PERIOD: 1050 EUR (lessons from July 4th to July 13th)
recommended arrival at Casalmaggiore on July 3rd – departure from Casalmaggiore not later than July 14th

SECOND HALF PERIOD: 1050 EUR (lessons from July 15th to July 24th)
recommended arrival at Casalmaggiore not earlier than July 14th – departure from Casalmaggiore on July 25th


The fee includes room accommodation at “Istituto Santa Chiara” in Casalmaggiore, daily breakfast and meals (except on weekends) and administration fees.
Students less than 16 years old will be accepted only if accompanied by one parent. In this case the applicant is required to organize autonomously his stay in Casalmaggiore, in one of the hotels or B&B of the city (click here for possible accommodations). The accommodation costs are the responsibility of the participant. In this case the tuition fee is 1700 EUR for the WHOLE PERIOD and 925 EUR for the HALF PERIOD. The fee will include daily breakfast and meals (except on weekends) and administration fees for each student.

Airfare and other travel arrangements are the responsibility of each participant.

Bank transfer fees are to be paid by the applicant. We can not accept shared charges.

4.2 Chamber group lessons

Deadline: June 4th, 2024 for all applicants. Please note that payments made after June 4th will be subject to a late fee of 100 EUR.

SECOND HALF PERIOD: (lessons from July 15th to July 24th)
recommended arrival at Casalmaggiore not earlier than July 14th – departure from Casalmaggiore on July 25th

Trio: 2610 EUR total (870 EUR for each component)
Quartet: 3260 EUR total (815 EUR for each component)

Program (6 lessons) with Abel Quartet and/or Vladimir Bukac.


The fee includes room accommodation at “Istituto Santa Chiara” in Casalmaggiore, daily breakfast and meals (except on weekends) and administration fees.

4.3 Cancellation policy

Tuition fees will not be refunded if a student decides to cancel less than two weeks before the start of the festival.  If the cancellation occurs more than one month before the festival begins, a full refund except for a 130 EUR administration fee will be given. The application fee is non-refundable.
If the festival should not be in a position to provide a reasonable alternative to a students first choice of teacher, the festival may offer to retain the fees, minus 10 % for administrative fees, for a future year. The festival will consider a full refund only if a proven medical emergency occurs or if the festival cancels.



The educational and training activities of the Association “Friends of the Casalmaggiore International Festival” are reserved to its members. Students enrolled in the “Casalmaggiore International Festival” are therefore legal members of the Association “Friends of the Casalmaggiore International Festival”.

Upon signing the application form, the candidate agrees to the following:

1) to allow recording and publication of my performances during the festival for website use. For removal requests, I will notify the Artistic Director within 24 hours after the performance.

2) to participate in 2 special event concerts which involve large ensembles. Further participation is possible if mutually agreed upon with the Artistic Director.

3) to serve as Stage Manager, which may page turning, for 2 concert events. Appropriate dress attire is required.

Le attività educative e formative dell’Associazione “Amici del Casalmaggiore International Festival” sono dirette esclusivamente ai propri soci. Gli studenti iscritti al “Casalmaggiore International Festival” sono pertanto soci dell’Associazione “Amici del Casalmaggiore International Festival”.

Inviando la domanda di iscrizione il candidato concorda su quanto segue:

1) permettere la ripresa audio e video e la pubblicazione sul web dei propri concerti effettuati durante il Festival. L’eventuale richiesta di rimozione dovrà pervenire al Direttore artistico entro 24 ore dall’esibizione.

2) partecipare a 2 concerti speciali con ampi gruppi strumentali. La partecipazione ad ulteriori concerti, se possibile, potrà essere concordata col Direttore Artistico.

3) prestare la propria collaborazione come stage manager, con eventuale mansione di voltapagine, nel corso di 2 concerti. È richiesto un abbigliamento adeguato.